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[review] Carigold

Carigold (CG) is a forum once I was first participated in, followed with WC forum. It was (and is) wonderful to be there and communicate. There are different kind of forumers in there - brick and mortar businessmen, online internet marketer, and so-called 'guru' for EVERYthing. Before I forget, it also has a just plain time-wasters. :)

So what's it like to be there?

Hm, it's fun (sometimes hilarious). You'll be enjoying every single time you spend there, much like when you enjoy Facebook'ing. But, BEWARE. The forumers in CG forum have quite a sensitive sense of humor when it comes to politic's satire. If you are government supporter, be ready to be bombarded with uneasy words of unsatisfactory complaints from left movement party supporters.

In Malaysia, we have two major parts of politic's movement - namely as Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. It's up to you to say (post) almost about anything. We're a democracy country after all. But, don't let any difference in politic's ideology torn us apart. We are 1Malaysia. :)

Opportunity in CG

As long as I can remember, I started joining the CG forum since year 2006. Unbelievably, a page rank (PR) for this blog and several other blogs was ascending exponentially to around PR3 to PR4. It grew steadily and *now* it dropped after my visitor found out that I'm married. Not to be sarcastic but that's a true nature of ANY guy on internet. :) Sounds like an opportunity for a single ladies out there right? Just be extra careful when revealing your contact information or anything about yourself. This includes pictures, email addresses and phone number. You'll never want your spouses/ loved ones to have doubts about you and what you do. Play it smart. ;)

Another opportunity

When the owner of the forum is in the same time zone as we are, it's much easier to 'kawtim' about anything. For example, to make you a moderator or to get a discount for the banner ads placement. It's much easier if you're a babe since two out of ten forum owners is a men. But, I never use this approach. Just a common sense. ;)

Why CG forum is the best so far?

Apart from WC forum, CG forum is now the best. At least for me. It takes only three to four seconds to load the front page of the forum. Unlike WC, it takes months (kidding!) to load. Something has to be done here. Moreover, the forumers in it are so helpful, friendly and warm. When you sign in in CG forum, there's just one sentence I'd love to say, "It's good to be HOME!"

Another good forum is Mesra forum.


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